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SUP de HK 2017

- Fund Raising Event for Hiwindlover Project Breeze

Hiwindlover Project Breeze

In order to nourish the future of local water Sport, Hiwindlover would like to give opportunities to local children who may have economic disadvantage to start water sport activities, by providing free classes to local children under 15.

For every HK$10,000 in the sponsorship funding for the Hiwindlover Project Breeze, it can support up to 10 children aged under 15 to join our water sport classes once for free.


SUP de HK will be an annual fund raising event for the Hiwindlover Project Breeze and aim to increase the project publicity.


We are now seeking sponsorship and funding for this project to be held by Hiwindlover Water Sport Centre Limited.


This may be the first private fund raising activity for Hong Kong water sport development using SUP and aiming to round Hong Kong by her water boundary.


Aim and objective:

Raising the awareness and funding from individuals, company, and interested parties on promoting water Sport to Hong Kong citizens aged under 15.



~ Hong Kong is capable of nurturing world class water Sport athletes

~ Hiwindlover Water Sport Centre Limited is one of the best place in Hong Kong to start water Sport training, with high-end equipment and professional coaches.

~ We have proven our dedication to lead the water Sport trend in Hong Kong for 40 years and will continue to do so.

~ In order to nourish the future of local water Sport, we want to give opportunities to local children who may have economic disadvantage to start water sport activities.

SUP de HK Rider:

Ho Chi Ho 

  • Director of Hiwindlover Water Sport Centre
  • Former Windsurfing Athlete
  • HKG representative in 2000 Athens Olympic and 2004 Sydney Olympic
  • Silver medalist of Doha Asian Games 2006

SUP de HK Rider:

Wong Yu Him

  • Chief Instructor of Hiwindlover Water Sport Centre
  • Former Windsurfing Athlete; Runner up in junior boy at the MISTRAL Junior World Windsurfing Championships 2001
  • Former Bodybuilding Athlete; The Champion Men's Junior below 70kg in East Asian Bodybuilding Championships 2007
  • All peak runner in Four Peak Race 2014 and 2015

Hiwindlover Sup De HK 2017﹕


Journey Review

​Update soon!


Sponsorship and funding:

We would like to invite individuals, company and interested parties to sponsor us in the following way:

1) Material and service sponsorship on SUP de HK 2017

During the journey, we will need equipment like SUP boards, paddles, clothing, personal floatation devices  VHF radio, food and drinks, broadcasting service for the event/ camera or smartphone for our own broadcast, support and transportation from Nam Sang Wai to Ah Kung Tsui, etc.

2) Funding sponsorship on Hiwindlover Project Breeze

Before, during or after the event, we welcome individuals, company and interested parties to sponsor our project on providing free classes to local children under 15 by:

  • Cash pay at our center
  • Cheque drawn on a HK bank account in HKD
  • Bank transfer to Hi Wind Lover Water Sport Centre Ltd. in HKD
  • Credit Card payment in HKD


To find out more about any of these options, please get in contact with us.


In return to the generous sponsorship, individuals, company and interested parties may optionally choose to be introduced during our broadcast of the SUP de HK 2017 event. Other advertising agreements could be arranged on demand according to the sponsorship amount.